Were very close to the 2024 Nascar Season and Scarman Racing Fantasy League starting at Daytona. The rules are simple. Pick your favorite 5 drivers each week. The better they do in the race. The better you do in Scarmanracing. $50 bucks gets you into Scarmanracing for the year. Last year we had 81 players and paid cash to the top 15 players with 1st place winning $1,000!!!

New players, please click on the sign up link on the left side of the Scarman Racing home page. http://scarmanracing.com/ to sign up. Please include your Cell Phone number when you sign up.

Concerning 2024 ScarmanRacing payment. Please use the info below to send your $50 payment.

Go to https://teamstake.com/home to create you fantasy league payment account. After you create your TeamStake account sign into TeamStake, then come back here and click on the link below to be directed to make your payment for ScarmanRacing 2024. 


If you have ANY issues with registering or payment feel free to contact me at slotcarguy@scarmanracing.com or text or call me at 248-760-6960